Bot Quest Worlds 1.8

WRobot has all the features that any modern bot needs to have. It's advanced artificial intelligence closely mimics a humans behavior. The objective of WRobot is to not upset the balance of the game, but to help you play your way even with a busy schedule. With WRobot you can gather mining and herbing nodes, do quests, battlegrounds, pet. Bot Quest World has 398 members. Indonesia (INA) Game: Bot Quest World:v Sharing file.


Bot Quest Worlds 1.8 Download


Bot Quest Worlds 1.8.exe Free Download

Dark DeathFreak Supreme Admin
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Subject: BotQuestWorlds 1.8 Wed Sep 04, 2013 11:49 pm
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1. The item farmers will grab an item if you have a free inventory space or when theres atleast one stackable in your bag, sadly, not including of the Mana Golem
2. The bot will auto-target enemies/monsters
3. Vampire Bot #2 fixed
4. Rogue and all clones of Rogue can now solo Mana Golem while using the bot.
5. All current classes are supported