Dune 2 .pak Files

  1. Dune
  2. Dune 2 Pak Files
  3. Download Dune II: The Building Of A Dynasty - My Abandonware
  4. Any More Pak Files Able To Edit? - Dune Editing - FED2k ...
  5. Dune II Atreides
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Levels? Editable
Tiles? Editable
Sprites? Editable
Fullscreen? Editable
Sound? Editable
Music? Not editable
Text? Editable
Story/cutscenes? Editable
UI/menus? Not editable

Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty (alternate title: Dune II: The Battle for Arrakis) is one of the earliest real-time strategy games; in fact, it was the game for which the genre name was invented.It was developed by Westwood Studios. The game is loosely based on the world of Frank Herbert's Dune book. The player takes command of the armies of one of the three great Houses that vie for control of the desert planet Arrakis.

The story of the planet Dune has produced a legendary book, a legendary movie, and, of course, a legendary game! I am quite sure that if you've come to this page, you've already been a victim of this game! Countless sleepless nights, sleepovers, missed dates. What Wolfenstein 3D was to first-person shooters, Dune 2 is to real-time strategies.

The basic premise of the game is to build a base, harvest the spice available on the sandy areas of the playing field as in-game currency, and use that currency to expand the base and build armies to defend against enemies, and finally destroy their base. Each House features its own weaknesses, strengths, and special units.

See full list on ds.nahoo.net



The following tools are able to work with this game.

Dune 2 Pak Files

NamePlatformGroup/archivesLevelsGraphicsMusicSoundsTextSaves.exe patchNotes
Dune II EditorWindowsNoNoNoNoNoNoNoEditEdits properties of units, structures, terrain, houses, etc. Open source text UI application written in FreePascal.
XCC MixerWindowsReadNoReadNoNoReadNoNoCan view Dune II archives and files, but has no support for writing any of them.
LibrarianWindowsEditNoNoNoNoNoNoNoSupports all known types of .PAK archive.
Engie File ConverterWindowsNoNoEditNoNoNoNoNoCan view and convert the game's CPS, SHP, WSA, font and colour palette formats.
Westwood Font EditorWindowsNoNoEditNoNoNoNoNoCan edit the game's font files.
d2shpsetWindows (command line)NoNoEditNoNoNoNoNoA small Dune II SHP writing utility written by OmniBlade of the Chronoshift (formerly RedAlert++) team to help Dune II mod makers. It supports generating the remap tables the game needs for applying house colours.
Red Horizon UtilitiesJava (command line)NoNoEditNoNoNoNoNoSupport for Dune II SHP in it is experimental, and apparently it works better in certain older versions than in the newest ones.
Original site is defunct. Backups of the tools can be found here.
  1. When editing Dune Legacy files, Are there other files to edit besides ObjectData.ini, Scenario.PAK and Legacy.PAK files I just want to know if others can be edited as they're still limitations that I can't edit with these. For example - editing how many Ornithopter's are allowed to be purchased o.
  2. Dec 27, 2016 Dune Legacy is an effort by a handful of developers to revitalize the first-ever real-time strategy game. The original game was the basis for the hugely successful Command and Conquer series, and the gameplay has been replicated an extended to a wide variety of storylines and series.
  3. Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty (a.k.a. Dune II: Battle for Arrakis) is the second entry in the Dune series and it's one of the most influential video games of all time. It was developed by Westwood Studios and published by Virgin Games in 1992. Dune II is thought of by many as the first real-time strategy game, since for the first time a.

Download Dune II: The Building Of A Dynasty - My Abandonware

File formats

The following file formats are used by this game.

Any More Pak Files Able To Edit? - Dune Editing - FED2k ...

*.pakPAK Format (Westwood)File archives
*.pal6-bit RGB 256-colour palettePalettes
*.cpsWestwood CPS FormatFull-screen images
*.wsaWestwood WSA FormatAnimated images and cutscenes
*.shpWestwood SHP Format (Dune II)Sprites
icon.icn / icon.mapDune II Tileset FormatTerrain / structure tiles. Information on it is available here and here.
*.fntWestwood Font Format v3Fonts
*.vocVOC FormatSound effects and voices
*.adlADL FormatMusic
*.eng, *.fre, *.ger, *.dipWestwood Strings FileIngame text
*.ecmDune II ECM ScriptBehaviour and AI scripting. Information on it is available here.

Dune II Atreides

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